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Club Events

Upcoming Competitions

Make sure to pay close attention to how to register for each competition, the exact event schedules from their websites, and any club details. 

UCS Spirit 
Pole Vault Summit

January 17-18 
Reno, NV

Every year we take a large group of coaches, athletes and parents up to Reno Nevada for the best clinic and competition around. We get to rub shoulders with some of the top pole vault athletes and the top pole vault coaches while eat breath and sleep pole vault all weekend long. Athletes will learn a ton and have the opportunity to make friends with and compete against athletes at their skill level from across the country. 


Athletes are welcome to sign up for and go to this competition on their own. However, for an separate fee to the club after official event registration, athletes can carpool with us, stay in club reserved hotel rooms with their teammates and celebrate together with some meals. With the event moving to a new hotel, the additional club fee is still TBD. Athletes attending with the club should represent the club. If you would like club swag to represent the club well go to our Shop.

Weber State Indoor

January 24
Weber State University

This is a high school indoor competition at Weber State University


Athletes interested in competing at this event should sign up on their own. UTPVA is not necessarily planning  team travel but athletes should inform Coach Cameron ASAP if they plan on attending so he can plan accordingly to ensure athletes will have poles and coaching. 

UHSTCA Utah Olympic Oval Indoor

Fri January 31

Utah Pole Vault Academy

The UHSTCA Indoor meet at the Utah Olympic Oval in Kearns, UT will be having the Pole Vault competition held at Utah Pole Vault Academy this year. 

This meet is a High School Youth Meet. More Info TBD


Athletes interested in competing at this event should sign up on their own. 

Stacy Dragila Indoor Meet

February 7-8

Pocatello, ID

The Stacy Dragila Indoor competition is for College, Open, and High school athletes. This competition is held in Pocatello Idaho at Idaho State University.


Athletes interested in competing at this event should sign up on their own. UTPVA is not necessarily planning  team travel but athletes should inform Coach Cameron ASAP if they plan on attending so he can plan accordingly to ensure athletes will have poles and good coaching. 

HS Indoor


Pocatello, ID

Simplot is a classic meet for the top vaulters around the world. This is a High School meet for qualifying vaulters only. 


Athletes interested in competing at this event should sign up on their own. UTPVA is not necessarily planning  team travel but athletes should inform Coach Cameron ASAP if they plan on attending so he can plan accordingly to ensure athletes will have poles and good coaching. 

Other Events

Make sure to pay close attention to how to register for each competition. 

MEMORIAL Street Vault
Aug. 2024

The DEVO MEMORIAL Street Vault is our annual end of summer competition which also offers us an opportunity to remember a member of the UTPVA family who unexpectedly passed away. This event typically brings in athletes from all over Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, and farther. This year's competition is sponsored by Utah Pole Vault Academy, UCS Spirit, The Vaultee Shop, Swing-Up Rack, and Vaulter Magazine. You don't want to miss this great event.

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